First of all, I need to make a correction from a former blog. Netherlands is the country, Holland is the Province and Amsterdam is the city. I didn't realize they had provinces, since Holland is the most well known, it seems as if they're the same.
Mint Tea: Mom you'll love this! Hot water, pour over fresh mint leaves, stems and all, add a bit of honey. Voila! Mint tea....yummy.
Countryside: took a bus tour to the country, only takes about 20 minutes to get out to the country. It was awesome! First went to a windmill town and saw beautiful windmills.
Wooden Shoes: got to see a clog maker, the shoes are still worn by farmers and fishermen to keep their feet warm and dry. They are made just like when you a key copied. You have the original key, put in an uncut one and the saw copies it by feel. Same w the shoes. Huge machine. I was impressed. It is POPLAR wood and is cut green, then dries for about 2-3 weeks. I bought some of course, white w beautiful dutch painting. Why? Well, that's what I thought after too, especially since I had to pedal home w them, but my mom said she bought wooden shoes when she came to Holland, so I thought I would follow in her footsteps (w wooden shoes)!!
San Jose: met a great couple on my tour from San Jose, Alex and Steve...they were a ball, we laughed the whole time! Also, I have heard back already from my new friends from Tampa that I met in Ireland, Fiona and Travis. They emailed me when they got home.
Cheese Farm: part of the tour included a cheese farm, most cheese is made in factories, this is still producing the old fashioned way. Churning etc. Two biggest exports are Edam (made from skim milk) and Gouda (made from whole milk)...The cattle industry is quite large since they rely on the dairy cows for milk to make cheese...
Marken: this was a little tiny town on the lake where we were able to ride the boat back to the main land. I can't remember theat town, but it is considered to be a sleeping community and very cute. I am so glad I did that tour!! It rocked...
Bakfiet: this is the type of bike you can ride when carrying children. It has like a wheelburrow type of bucket between the handlebars and front tire. Most of the little kids also ride in a baby seat in front of the rider, not behind. Also, saw lots of men pushing strollers too. Seems like they are very active parents.
Fashion/make-up: the women mostly wear dresses, skirts or capris. They don't show any upper thigh or a lot of leg. No shorts. The fabric hits right above the knee, very pretty colorful material. The tops are fitted or tanks as well. The make-up is very light and natural. No eyeshadow, mostly mascara, and lip gloss. Very natural looking, also their bodies are very natural as well. No implants at all. The women are not too skinny or overweight, they do have meat on their bones and the advertising seems to focus on faces, not bodies. Very refreshing coming from Vegas where they push size 4 down your throat!
This is what real people look like and I liked it.
Sold my house!: yep, my awesome Realtor Ron, faxed me an offer at the hotel, I signed, faxed it back, my partner Jen did the loan for the buyers and Darren did the appraisal. This is for my primary res....yippee!
Directions: I have sooo many people asking me for directions. It's happened in London,Dublin and now Amsterdam. I must not be threating and look like I know what I'm doing...ha!
Rolley Polley: Lindy's daughter couldn't remember my name, so it became Rolley Polley, like the bug. I liked it, thought it was cute! (Not sure how to spell it)
I loved riding the bike!!!! That was the best part! Like being free and having the wind in my hair and on my face...like being a kid, except I don't have the big orange flag on the back of my bike so cars could see me,my dad made me have the flag for safety. Hated that flag, it wasn't cool.
Coffee Shop: this is where the pot is sold. I didn't realize that until the day before
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