Henna is plant that I got to see at the spice farm. Indian and African women wear this mostly on their hands but legs, feet and arms as well. They do this usually right before they are to be married. I am not exactly sure the reason behind it, maybe to attract their groom. I decided on the spur of the moment to do it after she did one hand I decided I wanted the other one done as well. She poured a tiny bit of henna powder into a little shell and added a few drops of water, then applied it with a toothpick looking weed. She had a little book of examples I could choose from and she then did it by free-hand. Well, similar to the experience of the buddist amulet I wore in Thailand, the locals appreciated. This happened to be the same thing. Henna usually lasts for 2 weeks, so after I left this area, I had African men and women stopping me on the beach to examine my hands and inquire where I had gotten this done. Apparently it was excellent artwork. I didn't realize this until I was sitting on the plane next to girl from Ohio who had gotten henna on her feet and legs. It looked like a little kid took a black magic marker to her. She had two different women do henna and the second one told her the first lady did a horrible job.
Anyway, I couldn't take my eyes of myself for a while and wore it proudly. It looked very feminine and delicate and then about 3 days later, I was ready for it to come off. But I had to wait 2 weeks or so for it to wear off.
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